Today is one of those days I want to blog but I really don't know what to blog about. We have had a bit of a crazy week at the house. AJ has FINALLY submitted everything for his Eagle Scout and he participated in his first track meet. If you ask me neither were that eventful. This Eagle Scout thing should have been completed months, if not years, ago. We have been nagging and nagging him for some time to get it done. He just dug his heals in and refused. It took all I had to not do it for him. I think he is relieved to finally have it done but, I am sure, he won't admit how silly he had acted. And with regards to the track meet, according to AJ, he didnt do all that well at the meet. In case you don't know, he does the shot put and discuss. This is his first time in track. At the end of the football season we told him to find another sport to do or get a job. He choose track. He is just learning but actually having fun. It was nice to be at the track meet with him and actually talking and laughing with him. That does not happen on football game days. On those days he is sullen and would prefer not to talk. He is getting in the zone.
We have had a bit of traumatic week with Erin but nothing she would want me to discuss publically. It is your basic teenage issues and in the scheme of things nothing that terrible. It has made it a stressful week for me. It is hard to know the right way to handle things. I try to remember what it was like when I was her age but I know I don't remember it as well as I would like. We do want to keep our children from going through difficult times, even if they bring it on themselves, but sometimes they just happen. I know at that age I thought my parents were DUMB. It took me many years to learn it was just the opposite. I guess that is what Erin is going through right now. I bet if you ask my parents they will just think it is sweet justice--you know "what goes around, comes around". It is my pay back for my traumatic teens.
Well now its the weekend and I hope it will be quiet and without incident. I will let you know!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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