The one piece of advice I give new parents is WRITE IT DOWN. Once your child begins talking he/she will say the cutest, funniest, etc things. You think you will remember them forever, because they were so darn cute, but TRUST ME you don't. I have not been one to follow my own advice, until now. In recent days my kids have said some really funny, or at least to Dave and I, funny things. Since I feel like blogging is just a public form of journaling I am going to document these conversations here.
Last week the MEGA MILLIONS lottery jackpot was up to at least $240 million. I bought a few tickets, which I rarely do, and shared this information with the family over dinner. Erin instantly let us know that most lottery winners go broke as they don't manage their money properly. She then asked what we would do with the money. Dave said the first thing we would do is pay off our debt. Both kids then got wide eyed, and with, amazement asked, "we have debt?" They appeared a bit startled at learning this news. I then said I would quit my job if we won. This time they were appalled. They said that is exactly how the lottery winners get themselves into trouble. They had no concept of my salary vs. 200 million dollars. Then lastly we said we would move to Sand Canyon, near where we live, but larger homes and much larger pieces of property. AJ then quickly said, "Now that is ridiculous. I am leaving in a couple months, why would you need more room?" I guess my kids are still a bit naive as to way the world works. I think I like it that way.
And on another subject... yesterday we were driving home from my sisters and the kids were reading on the way home. AJ is reading "Playing for Pizza" by John Grisham. Out of the blue AJ turns to Dave and I and says, "Does John Grisham always have such obvious foreshadowing?" Dave and I looked at each other with puzzlement and then began laughing. What 17 year old kid reads a Grisham book and asks this? Dave then responded with YES he writes in that style often. Later, when the kids were not present, Dave admitted that he just answered it that way so not to seem to like he didnt get it. Really neither of us did.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
This cracked me up! Thanks for sharing. Note to a certain other reader: if you want to see comments, you have to comment yourself, you know!
yes you're right but as we all know
" saturdays are stupid " oh that
was sunday i guess i'm old not stupid
very good blog keep up the interesting info
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