I have a daughter and a terrific one at that. In recent times Erin has felt quite overshadowed by her brother, and I really don't blame her. People, some she doesnt know, will stop her to ask about him--what is he up to? what college has he decided on? etc. Not only that but he plays a sport that is more widely reported and viewed than the sport she plays, and plays well may I add.
This is my chance to tell you about, or more accuratly BRAG about my daughter Erin. Erin is 15 1/2, a sophomore in high school and a soccer player--a keeper to be exact. As you can see by the picture she has a dynamite smile and terrific blonde curly hair (the curls, which I am happy to say she has inherited from me.) Erin has aspirations to be a high school history teacher. She has wanted to be a teacher since she was in Kindergarten. What she wants to teach changes every so often and it changes to the particular grade level/subject of the teacher she currently has taken a shine to. Erin is currently taking Modern Civilization and has become quite interested in the subject. It is really neat to see her finding an acadmic class she actually enjoys and looks forward to studying more of in the future.
Erin is out-going, fun loving, brave, strong, not afraid of much and has a sense of humility that most of us would kill to have. Her humility and ability to apologize has saved her butt more than once. As I child, and even now, I would refuse to admit I was wrong even when I was. Erin, I am happy to say, is just the opposite. When she realizes she has made a mistake or hurt someone's feelings she is the first to apologize or admit OUT LOUD that she was in the wrong. It is really refreshing to have someone like that in your life. She sets the example that I have tried to follow.
Another amazing thing about Erin is the way she can take a beating while playing soccer and then go back the next day or game for more, without a glint of fear in her eyes. Just last week she was cleated more than once in her game and came of the field with a bloody, bruised leg. The cleat marks ran the length of lower leg and hurt like the dickens. The marks were too large for a bandaid and anything touching it made it hurt worse. The next day she wore sweats that went to just below the knee to avoid hurting further. The following day she suited up and was in goal AGAIN, without a complaint, and didn't shy away from any play or on-field confrontation. She has had many injuries over her life span--broken bones, black eyes and stitches---and she never lets fear of new injury get in her way. In fact, when she is injured she doesn't cry because of the pain rather because she realizes she will have to sit out for a day, a week or more.
Erin does like to talk, which she also got from her mother. And I see this as a positive. She likes talking to anyone. She enjoys having a good conversation with any one--young or old. Next time you see her give it a try. Ask her what is new or what is going on in school or USY. She will be happy to tell you. FYI--her favorite topic these days is her new car and/or getting her permit. I am sure she will be happy to tell you about both!
I am very blessed to have 2 wonderful children. They are very different from each other but are each others biggest fans. I see a bright future for both of them. Erin's life will certainly go a different route that AJ's but it will be a great one none-the-less.
1 comment:
Awwww....so nice. And all SO true!
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