Its A.J.....
I have been getting lots of questions about A.J. that I do my best at answering. I thought, though, it would be best to go to the source. I asked A.J. a bunch of questions and he answered me in his own A.J. kinda way. With his permission I have done a bit of editing on the answers....
1. Do you enjoy the academy?
Eh, its ok, I guess
2. What do you like about it?
The football’s cool, and most of my squadmates are friendly.
3. What do you dislike about it?
I cant stand the military stuff. Especially the stupid freshman shit, like walking only on the right side of the hallway. And running the strips and shit.
4. Are you having fun?
Its not very much fun. It isn’t the college life I wanted. You’re supposed to go to parties and have fun on the weekends, you know, and I haven’t gotten a chance to do that, and I really wanted to.
5. How are you doing academically?
Are the classes hard?
School is going very well. My classes really aren’t that hard. My teachers seem to like me, and I get the material pretty easily.
6. Do you regret your decision to attend?
I don’t know if regret is really the right word. Do I wonder if things would be better at Harvard? Yeah. But regret just inst the word, I’m looking for.
7. How is football?
Football is going well. I really hope that we get into a bowl game.
8. Is it hard not to stand on the sidelines and not get in the game?
Its really not that hard to be on the sideline. Especially when I know that Lusk is better than me. I know I will get my time. Sooner or Later.
9. What are you hoping to do this summer?
This summer I will have to a bunch of training stuff so I don’t know how much time I will have. But I probably just want to relax, hang out with friends, stuff like that.
10. What foods do you miss and want your Mom to cook when you get home?
I think I want shepards pie, the dutch oven ribs, a good steak, and crushed carrots, maybe twice baked potato.
Of course, I discussed a few of his answers with him a bit more in depth. He did tell me he doesn't want to leave the Academy and is certain it will get much better after "Recognition" which is in March. At that time he will have more privileges and not have to "run the strips" and do the other "freshman shit" he doesn't like. He is looking forward to next year when he gets much, much more freedom on the weekends and he will be able to go out in the town and attend parties and, in general, have more fun. He was told in advance that Freshman year is hard and isn't like any other college. He is glad that no one sugar coated it and he knew what he was getting himself into. In addition, he says that it will really be all worth it if the team gets to a bowl game this year. At this time they are "bowl eligible". They currently have a 6-2 record and a team must finish 6-6 or better to be eligible. If they can win this week and next then they will be HIGHLY likely to play in a bowl game. I will keep you posted on that.
If you want to "talk" to A.J. send him an email. His address is
I know he would love to hear from you.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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