The Air Force Academy played BYU this past Saturday. They did not win but A.J. got in the game and played well. A.J. is on the "2 deep" and the young man he plays behind, Peter Lusk, suffered a minor injury. While being tended to A.J. was sent in the game. He was in during a drive in which AFA scored and was able to make some crucial blocks. It was a thrill to see him play, play great and then come off the field with a huge grin on his face. He did get in for a few more plays during the game and did well then too. In fact, he did so well that he got some notice from the press. Here is a link to today's Colorado Springs Gazette and an article about A.J.....
Can you believe my 17 year old "baby" is holding is own in Division 1 football? BYU is ranked 17 in the nation. Their players are HUGE and 22-23 years old. There are great things to come for A.J., that I am certain!!

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