We just got back from PARENTS WEEKEND at AJ's school and I don't even know where to begin. We had a great time and are so proud of both our kids. Dave and I went and Erin stayed home. We left on Thursday afternoon, just 24 hours after Erin got her drivers license. She stayed home alone on Thursday night and then with friends and family for the rest of the weekend. She was great!! She called and checked in lots and did everything she was supposed to do while at home. She is awesome!!
And speaking of awesome let me tell you about AJ. We arrived Thursday evening knowing we would not see AJ until Friday morning. We had arranged to meet him at the Chapel in the early AM. I was very apprehensive. I had been warned that I might not recognize my son--he might look and act quite different. Well let me tell you, those warnings were completely unnecessary. AJ is still the AJ we know and love. He looks great, maybe a little thinner (during basic training he lost 27lbs), and remains his wonderful self.
He does enjoy school but says some days are tough. His freshman year at college is not like freshman year anywhere else. He has many, many rules to follow and many are not fun. He is told what to wear, he has to walk a certain way and address anyone, except fellow freshman, as sir or ma'am. He is limited to what personal items he can have in his room and does not have his cell phone, except for special occasions, or ipod at all. His dorm room is on the 6th floor and he MUST take the stairs. There is an elevator but he is not allowed to use it. On the weekends he may not come and go as he pleases and has no access to television or radio. Even with all the restrictions he is happy. He has made lots of friends and is emerging as a real leader. We attended classes with him on Friday and all his teachers had good things to say about him. He says classes are not too difficult and he is NOT up all night doing homework. He is getting enough to eat and plenty of sleep. What makes it all worth it is football.
As you know he made the varsity and travel team--which where is goals for the year BUT now he has even exceeded that. He made the first string on a few Special Teams and 2nd string on the o-line. On Saturday we attended OPENING DAY, his first game. It was amazing. There were 35K+ in attendance. The stadium is beautiful and there are tailgate parties every where. The boys arrive at the stadium by bus and are greeted by fans and the band. They walk into the stadium amidst music and cheers.

They put on their uniforms and warm up. What a thrill it was for us to see him in a football uniform with his name on the back!!

Just before the game begins there is a "fly over" and parachutes descend on the stadium bringing the game ball. It is sight to see!! This game the Falcons played Southern Utah, a team that hasn't won a game since 2006. As expected the Falcons won 41-7. AJ got in the game quite a few times. In his first collegiate play he admittedly did not do well BUT he came of the field grinning from ear to ear. It was wonderful moment for Dave and I. AJ got in for more extra points and field goals and then in the 4th quarter he got in as offensive lineman for an entire series. He did great!! It made the all the hard work and difficult times worth it.
I am certain now, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that AJ made the right choice and I am pretty sure AJ knows this too. It is actually the right place for him both on and off the football field. AJ is going to become an amazing man/officer in the next 4 years and, I so look forward to seeing this transformation.
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