With A.J. going away to college and Erin acting like a typical 16 year old girl and me having to deal with both of these things I have been trying very hard to remember what I was like at 16, 17, 18 years old. It is frustrating because I cannot. I can remember how I was in years before that (and it wasn't pretty) but not how I was once I was in my late teens. All I can remember was good times. I remember having a great time hanging out with Dave and other friends. I can remember going to school, getting decent grades (I am talking 11th and 12th grade) and going away to college for my freshman year. I remember being happy and loving life. I don't remember any bad times. I don't remember any arguments I had with my folks. I don't remember how I even talked to my parents. I don't remember if I even spoke to them at all after I left for college. I know they didn't come visit me at school but I don't think I even gave it another thought. I don't know if my parents even missed me!!
What I really want to remember was the relationship I had with my parents. I know I didn't tell them everything but I think I was pretty honest with my emotions. In fact, I am pretty sure I am the same way I am now---I wear my emotions on my sleeve. You know what I am feeling, when I am feeling it just by looking at me. I don't think I hide much or have much of a poker face. I am wondering if my kids are the same way. I know they don't tell me everything but I think they tell me lots of things. I am naive or correct? Did I tell my parents just want they wanted to hear? I am afraid that my kids do just that. I don't think that they out and out lie to me but I think that they don't really let me in on what is going on with them.
Is A.J. happy at school or does he think he sold his soul to the devil just to play football? If he thinks he made a mistake will he tell me? Does he know that we are here for him NO MATTER WHAT or does he think that I will judge him too harshly and not understand?
And Erin, is she a happy, well adjusted 16 year old? Does she say one thing to my face and then go in her room and write in a journal about how miserable she is? How can I tell if she is really OK? Am I missing signs?
I try to think about what I was like at that age and if my parents had the same concerns. Maybe they did but just didn't let on. My parents made this parenting stuff look so easy--how did they do that? Were my siblings and I really that good? I doubt that.
When I raise my concerns to Dave he reminds me that we have 2 great kids and we have/are doing the right things and raising good teenagers. He tells me to continue telling them we love them and remind them that we are their biggest fans and are here for them whenever/whatever they need. They will let us know if there is a problem or if they need are help. Right now we have to sit back and let them be their own person.
I guess it doesn't matter what my life was like at that age but rather how I am now. Now I am a mom to 2 wonderful teenagers who make me smile EVERYDAY. I will go forward from here and hope for the best!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago