Yesterday while I was cooking dinner I was thinking about all the things in my kitchen that I love..the gadgets, utensils, etc...and I thought you might like to know about them. Here are the things in my kitchen I would hate to have to live without.....
1. GLOBAL Statoku knife
It is sharp and cuts through anything. The handle fits perfectly in my hand and isnt too light. I like it so much that I also have a Global chefs knife and paring knife.

2. Onion Googles
You may laugh but I swear by them. In the past when I cut onions my eyes tear up something awful. I would have to stop many times and wipe my eyes/blow my nose. After many years and many onions it got worse, not better. I tried all other home remedies (chewing gum, running water, putting the onion in the fridge and more) but nothing worked. These googles do the trick. I have them on the whole time I am cutting the onion and never a tear. I highly recommend them!!

3. RubAway
After chopping all those onions, and some garlic too, this little bar takes the odor away. I simple hold it in my hands, like a bar of soap, and rub it all around. I then wash and dry my hands and waa-lah no odor.

4. Le Creuset Casserole
It is great for so many things. It can be used in the oven and on the stove top. Just last night I used it as a wok. It is enameled cast iron cookware. It will last forever. My mom has a piece or 2 that she has had since before I was born. Every time I am cleaning mine I am transported back to my childhood when I would stand at the sink scrubbing the pot clean. I hated it then but love cleaning mine now.

5. Garbage Disposal Stuffer
I think this one speaks for itself. Who wants to touch the garbage in the sink?

Do you have gadgets utensils you can recommend?
Where do you get onion goggles? I think I need some.
One of my favorite things is a "dough scraper" I use it to to scoop up not only dough, but chopped onions etc to transport them from the board to the pan.
Another favorite, One Touch can opener.
Drew bought me a kalamata olive pitter about five years ago and I thought it was a joke. Turns out it is one of the handiest things I have in the kitchen and kalamata olives with the pits are about half the price!
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